Our highly experienced consultants offer independent advice and flexible solutions, which are supported by our own in-house UKAS accredited testing laboratories No.1089.
Lab Works EA’s Asbestos Services
Our services include:
Asbestos management, refurbishment and demolition surveys (HSG 264 compliant) (UKAS No.0148)
Statutory asbestos re-inspections to ensure compliance with Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012 (UKAS No.0148)
Asbestos sampling and material identification (UKAS No.1089)
Asbestos in soil analysis and full quantification (UKAS No.1089)
Air monitoring and 4-stage clearance (UKAS No.1089)
Independent management of asbestos removal works
Digital management system
UKATA and CIBSE approved asbestos awareness training
Development of asbestos policies and management plans
Enforcement liaison
Lab Works EA takes a client-focussed approach to ensure our recommendations meet your specific business needs, while ensuring compliance with the latest legislation and guidance. Our extensive network of regional offices and laboratories, allows both national and local clients, to benefit from our services.
Benefits of Using Lab Work EA’s Asbestos Services
Benefits include:
Responsive service delivery through unrivalled national coverage
Exceptional technical capabilities and experience
Cost effective management solutions
Independent management of asbestos remediation projects and licensed contractor selection
In-house UKAS accredited No.1089 testing laboratories to ensure integrity of results and responsive turnaround
Extensive experience across a wide range of sectors and property types
Technology solutions to ease the administrative burden and speed up delivery of results
Availability of wider Lab Works EA services where multiple risks are present

Asbestos Management and Consultancy
Our Asbestos Management and Consultancy Services include:
UKAS accredited (No.0148) asbestos management, refurbishment and demolition surveys (HSG 264 compliant)
UKAS accredited (No.0148) statutory asbestos re-inspections to ensure compliance with Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012
UKAS accredited (No.1089) asbestos sampling and material identification
UKAS accredited (No.1089) asbestos in soil analysis and full quantification
UKAS accredited (No.1089) air monitoring and 4-stage clearance
Independent management of asbestos removal works
Digital management portal
UKATA approved asbestos awareness training
Asbestos in soil, made ground and construction materials consultancy
Development of asbestos policies and management plans
Enforcement liaison
Lab Works EA’s takes a client focused approach to ensure our recommendations meet your specific business needs, whilst ensuring compliance with the latest legislation and guidance. Our extensive network of regional offices and laboratories allows both national and local clients to benefit from our services.
Benefits of Using Lab Works EA’s Asbestos Consultancy Services:
Responsive service delivery through unrivalled national coverage
Exceptional technical capabilities and experience
Cost effective management solutions
Independent management of asbestos remediation projects and licensed contractor selection
In-house UKAS accredited testing laboratories (No.1089) to ensure integrity of results and responsive turnaround
Extensive experience across a wide range of sectors and property types
Technology solutions to ease the administrative burden and speed up delivery of results
Availability of wider Lab Works EA’s services where multiple risks are present
Asbestos Surveys, Sampling and Testing
With UKAS accredited laboratories across the UK, Lab Works EA can undertake the full range of asbestos surveys adhering to the latest HSE guidance. This includes asbestos bulk sampling and asbestos analysis in accordance with ISO17020 and ISO17025 and the techniques set out in HSG248 and HSG264.
Asbestos management surveys
Refurbishment and demolition surveys
Bulk sample asbestos analysis
Asbestos statutory re-inspections
Asbestos Management Survey
The purpose of the survey is to locate, as far as reasonably practicable, the presence and extent of suspect ACMs in the building and assess their condition. Although sampling is the most common approach that has been used for surveys, an asbestos management survey can also involve presuming the presence of asbestos. An asbestos management survey can therefore be completed, using a combination of sampling ACMs and presuming ACMs or, indeed, just presuming. Any materials presumed to contain asbestos must also have their condition assessed (i.e. material assessment).
Asbestos management surveys may involve minor intrusive work and some disturbance. The extent of intrusion will vary between premises and depend on what is reasonably practicable for individual properties – agreement on this aspect of the survey should be reached between the client/dutyholder and the surveyor. Factors that can affect the extent of intrusion include the type of building, the nature of construction, accessibility etc.

Refurbishment and Demolition Surveys
UKAS accredited inspection body No.0148 This survey is used to locate and describe, as far as reasonably practicable, all ACMs in the area where the refurbishment work will take place or in the whole building if demolition is planned. The survey will involve destructive inspection as necessary, to gain access to all locations, including those that may be difficult to reach.
Refurbishment work may vary from relatively small to large projects. Small scale work may occur in different parts of a building at different times over several years. A full asbestos sampling programme is undertaken in these areas to identify possible ACMs and to obtain estimates of the volume and surface area of the ACMs present. The survey is primarily designed to identify ACMs so that they can be removed in preparation for the refurbishment or demolition. It is possible to use the two survey types in different parts of a building particularly where refurbishment work is in a limited area.
Due to the intrusive nature of refurbishment and demolition surveys, it is recommended that the areas affected are not occupied at the time of the asbestos survey taking place.
Asbestos Statutory Re-inspections
UKAS accredited inspection body No.0148 Additionally, Lab Works EA’s qualified surveyors will perform a thorough visual inspection of the asbestos containing materials identified in the asbestos register in accordance with ACoP L143. There is a requirement for Duty Holders to arrange for asbestos materials to be re-inspected at regular intervals. Risk changes are recorded and the management plan updated. Recommendations for new control measures are given where required.
Asbestos Air Monitoring
Four-stage clearance is the procedure carried out by the UKAS accredited laboratory following licensed asbestos removal works. A visual inspection must be conducted by an independent analyst to ensure that the area has been cleaned to a satisfactory standard and is suitable for re-occupation.
Clearance air monitoring is then conducted inside the enclosure to check that airborne fibre levels are below acceptable levels. Once satisfactory results are achieved the analyst will issue a certificate of re-occupation, which will enable people to safely re-enter the area.
Lab Works EA’s provide a complete inspection and airborne fibre monitoring service including reassurance inspections and air quality monitoring, personal exposure and 4-stage clearance testing for certificates of re-occupation following asbestos removal. All work is UKAS accredited (ISO 17025) and carried out in accordance with HSE guidance document ‘Asbestos: The analysts guide for sampling, analysis and clearance procedures’ (HSG248).
Being entirely independent from any business undertaking asbestos removal works allows Lab Works EA’s to provide independent impartial advice to our clients. In addition to the asbestos analytical services outlined above we are able to offer full end to end project management services for asbestos removal work. Acting as the client’s technical representative, our services include:
Specifications for asbestos removal work
Tendering to licensed contractors
Site meetings and project management
Independent air monitoring and four stage clearance
Certificate of reoccupation
Onsite compliance audits
Updating of asbestos registers and reports
Asbestos in Soil, Made Ground and Construction Materials
Our approach combines a number of industry experts, along with industry leading laboratories, to provide a multidiscipline service that is tailored to your individual requirements.
Lab Works EA’s asbestos consultancy services relating to soil, ground and construction material contamination include:
Site investigation and sampling strategies
Expert best practice advice in line with most recent guidance
Combined approach utilising; Asbestos, Environmental, Contaminated Land and Waste professionals
UKAS accredited (No.1089) asbestos in soil analysis with full quantification
Onsite air monitoring, including to lower limits of detection
SEM and TEM analysis by arrangement
Risk assessments for reuse of asbestos-contaminated soils
Material management plans
Onsite training and toolbox talks
Independent management of asbestos excavation and remediation works
Waste classification advice
Materials testing services for contaminated soils and aggregates
Development of method statements and safe systems of work
Enforcement liaison
Multidiscipline Environmental Consultancy
As a leading multidiscipline environmental consultancy, Lab Works EA’s is well placed to offer a full end-to-end service in relation to asbestos in the ground and within construction materials. Our teams of experts are on hand to offer support and clarity in this often confusing area.
Innovation and Market Developments
We take pride in being at the forefront of innovation and market developments. Our asbestos in soil, made ground and construction materials service is an example of our commitment to provide our clients with a coordinated approach to a complex requirement.
Benefits of Using Lab Works EA’s Asbestos Consultancy Services:
Responsive service delivery through unrivalled national coverage
Exceptional technical capabilities and experience
Cost effective management solutions
Independent management of asbestos remediation projects and licensed contractor selection
In-house UKAS accredited testing laboratories No.0148 and No.1089 to ensure integrity of results and responsive turnaround
Extensive laboratory testing and inspection services
End to end service package all under one roof
Availability of wider Lab Works EA’s services where multiple risks are present
Keeping Our Clients Up-to-Date
In addition to providing a quality service, we believe it is important to deliver added value to our clients by keeping them informed of the latest legislation updates and guidance. For further information, please read our latest blog on the recent asbestos in soils guidance.
Air Quality Monitoring & Assessment
Noise & Vibration
Occupational Hygiene Measurements
Environmental Health & Safety Measurements