Facilities Management Sector
Facilities management is a vital function in offices, retail centres, industrial buildings, schools and hospitals.
Part of the role is to provide a safe and efficient working environment. This means ensuring that the activities performed in the various locations, all meet the relevant statutory and voluntary regulations. These include regulations regarding the environment as well as the health, safety and welfare of employees and the public
How We Can Help
Lab Works East Africa has a wide range of environmental, health, safety and welfare services to support estates and facilities managers in complying with their regulatory requirements. For example, we offer expertise in the areas of Health Safety and Welfare, as well as Environmental Safety:
A. Health, Safety and Welfare
Expertise include:
Compliance audits and site audit programmes.
Provision of a Competent Person to ensure you have the necessary skills, when you need them
Occupational hygiene.
Food safety.
Drug and alcohol testing.
Sample collection and accredited analysis for pre-employment screening, as well as random and post-incident testing.
Policy development and advice.
B. Environmental Safety

Expertise include:
Compliance audits, risk assessments, training and on-going monitoring programmes.
Chemical and microbiological, including Legionaella sampling and analysis.
Cleaning, chlorination and remedial works.
Stack emissions testing
Air quality testing
C. Asbestos Identification and Management
Expertise include:
Asbestos air monitoring
Asbestos management and consultancy
Cleaning, chlorination and remedial works
Asbestos regulation and duty to manage
Asbestos surveys sampling and testing